
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Reflections at 33

2 major changes in my life at 32 have propelled me to take on the route of entrepreneurship. With the motivation to lead by example for my little gal and with the support from my hubby, I trade-off financial stability with starting a venture (of course, it is one with a mission and a team I truly believe in).
I reckon it is never to late to start trying. I hope when I reach 35 and reflect back, these 2 yrs will be the best ever. And when I reach 40, I can say to my little gal, "I hope mommy has made you proud."
~Fulfilling wishes, (a) fulfilling legacy~

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

HTML & CSS Part II (Learn to code)

In part 2 of Progate's HTML & CSS lesson, I will be learning to develop the landing page of a website.

  • {background-image:url(top.png);} (Note: image will repeat itself until fills the whole space)
  • {background-size:cover;} (Note: background will be filled with a single image)
  • Center the container class by specifying{margin:0 auto;} and{width: 300px;}
  • {opacity: 0.0;} makes entire element transparent (0.0 being most transparent and 1.0 being most opaque) 
  • {background-color: rgba(73,201,192, 0.5);} (Note: only background becomes transparent)
  • {letter-spacing: 10px;}
  • Creating buttons using <a> tags which is an inline element. {display: block;}
  • div:hover{background-color: red;} is used to change background upon hover.
  • {border-radius: 10px;} is used to round the corners of elements such as a button
  • {text-align: left;} aligns inline and inline-block elements left.
  • {margin: 0 auto;} and {text-align: center;} can center elements, but margin is for block level elements like containers and text-align is for inline/inline-block elements like buttons and text.
  • {transition; all 1s;} (Note: Transition is used to add animations; The target can be a property, like color, but we often just specify all so it applies to all properties.)
  • {line-height: 10px;} (Note: to vertically center the text by specifying the same value for the height and the line-height)
  • {font-weight: bold;} (Normal or bold to change thickness of text)
  • {width: 50%;} (Specifying size with % instead of px, can calculate width based on parent width. Same for height). 
  • Overlapping elements {position: absolute;} then position relative to the top-left corner of the webpage using {top: 50px; left: 50px;} properties, or specifying {position: relative;} to its ancestor element.

Using Icons on Webpage:
  1. Copy the entire font-awesome directory into your project
  2. In the <head> of your html, reference the location to your font-awesome.min.css. 
  3. <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
  4. Check out the examples to start using Font Awesome!
  5.  Add a <span> tag with the classes fa and fa-<icon name>

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

HTML & CSS Part I (Learn to code)

I am into my first lesson on Progate. The objective to list my learning here is so that I can revise.

Most websites like Google and Facebook are created with HTML and CSS.
Rule: Surround text with tags as tags define the text.

  • Heading tags <h1> Hello World  </h1>, range from <h1> to <h6> with <h1> being the largest
  • Paragraph tags <p> Hello World  </p>
  • Comments hidden <!-- This is a comment -->
  • Link Tag <a> </a> 
  • Link Tag with a destination <a href=" URL "> </a>
  • Image Tag <img src=" URL ">  (Note: no need closing tags as they don't enclose any text)
  • List Tags <li> </li> 
  • Bullet Tags <ul> </ul> (Note: type of list depends on what parent tag is used)
  • Span Tags <span></span> (Note: to apply CSS to part of a text by putting it in a <span> tag. - inline element does not start on a new line)
  • <input> and <textarea> Tags for form fields. (Note: <input> tag does not require closing tag but <textarea> requires.
  • Submit Button <input type="submit"> (Note: can change the text from submit to send, by changing the value attribute <input type="submit" value="send">

CSS is used to design a website, by changing things like colour, size, and spacing of HTML elements. CSS is written in a separate file from HTML, that specifies the changes to the targeted HTML elements.

  • Colour {color: #ff0000;}
  • Comments /* Comment */
  • Font Size {font-size: 10px;}
  • Font Family {font-family: serif;} (Note: If font name has a space, use "Lucida Grande")
  • Background colours {background-color: #dddddd;} (highlight)
  • Width and Height {width: 10px; height 20px;}
  • Labeling Tags by using class attributes <li class="selected"> </li> (Note: CSS class selectors start with a period)
  • Align vertically by using {float:left;}
  • Adding Space to an element to all sides inside its border by using {padding: 20px;}
  • Adding Space to an element to only one side by using {padding-top: 20px;} (top/right/bottom/left - clockwise) 

  • Adding Boarders to all sides by using {border:5px solid red} (Note: Thickness, style, color; border-bottom/border-top/border-left/border-right)
  • Adding Space to outside its border by using margin {margin: 20px;}

Structure of HTML
  • <!DOCTYPE html> : defines the HTML5 version for document
  • <head> Information of the document </head> (Note: Within head element, we specify character encoding <meta charset="utf-8">, <title>title of website</title> and link to CSS file <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css">.)
  • <body> contents that are visible in the brower </body>
  • <div> Tag is used to group elements header, main, footer, e.g. <div class="header"> </div>

Learning to code

Being out of job does not stop me from learning new things. Although it may be a little late to learn programming, but it is never too late. I am inspired by the 81 year old lady Masako Wakamiya who bought her first computer at 60 years old, learnt programming from scratch and single-handedly created her first iPhone game. Being a Chemistry major, I was not exposed to Programming and I felt I missed out a lot of opportunities. One of the things I hope my little girl Gabriella will learn is programming, and in order to be "connected" with her, I should learn some programming myself.

The challenge at the start of learning programming is "where should I start?". There are so many different programming languages. When I attended Tech in Asia 2017 a few weeks back, I met Masanori Kato who founded Progate (an online coding school). Progate helps beginners like me to learn coding, starting from basics like HTML&CSS, Ruby, Java and Python.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

오문창 순대국밥 Oh Moon Chang Sundae @ Daejeon

The other korean cuisine one should try is Sundaegukbap 순대국밥 and Jokbal 족발. Sundaegukbap is made of rice with pig intestines. The taste of the soup is like Bak Kuk Teh. You either like it or not. I like it with lotsa chives :) If you are a meat eater, you will enjoy Jokbal, which is pig trotters cooked in soya sauce. Due to the way it is cooked, Jokbal is very chewy and sweet. A locally popular place is called 오문창 순대국밥, located at 203-2 Jungni-dong, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, South Korea.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Mom's Touch (Fastfood chain in Korea)

Mom's Touch is a newly established chicken cum burger fastfood chain. I will highly recommend to try, especially the fries. The chicken set meal is about $10. I went twice during this trip because I had cravings.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Real Cake @ Daejeon

My hubby knew I missed the Earl Gray Cake in my previous trip, and arranged for a meet up with his friend in this cafe named Real Cake located at1164, Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon. The strawberry milk shake is also a must-try. :)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Garden of Sky (하늘물빛정원)

In the first weekend, we traveled down south towards Geumsan. At a place called 하늘물빛정원 , located at 추부면 요광리 713-1, we ate a restaurant named 머들령 which served bbq eel over charcoal. Maybe it was grilled over charcoal, the taste is really chewy and fragrant. a stroll along the reservoir, you will see really nice flowers. The whole place was very scenic.with a music band singing and playing under a tent.

Heading to Korea Trip (8 July 2017)

It was a uniquely different trip with Gabriella travelling on flight with us. It was her first overseas trip (besides JB), and I am glad she was rather cooperative. As it was an 8am flight, she was pulled out of bed at 4.30am. She remained sleepy and drowsy throughout the flight and slept really well. Although she was given 3 bottles of puree, she didnt take as she was sleepy and was ok with just latching on. We were given a little puppet which kept her entertained for a while. I was impressed that this time round, SIA provided bibimbap meal on flight. It was delicious and filling. 

Be sure to rent your wifi egg in advance as we could get one at a cheap rate, resulting in paying double the rental rate for the LG U+ wifi. If I dont remember wrongly, you can avoid device rental with KT Olleh if you book the rental online.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Life as a New & Part-Time Real Estate Agent

Passing RES exam is only the first step. After doing part-time RES agent for a few months, I realized it is a lot of hard-work and many failed attempts before you can actually get a deal closed. You may have seen a lot of agents driving good cars and earning high commission. But there are also many agents who do not do well. (The same as start-ups. We only hear stories of successful start-ups and never heard the stories of start-ups who are struggling.)

As a new agent, I start to know more about this industry. Each deal closure for projects can earn you quite reasonable commission (ranging between 0.5%-2% or even more). New launches usually have lower commission as the sales are expected to be easy. If the project has been launched for a longer period, the commission is on the higher side so as to incentivize agents. Most developers target “100% sold” to be achieve as early as possible. J Gateway was fully sold on day 1 of launch and it is an achievement that is constantly the Agency’s motivation.

Be prepared to put in some investments even before earning. Besides paying money to join an Agency, you also pay money to be part of a core team in projects. You will also need to fork out your own marketing $ and travel expenses.

Be prepared to be outgoing and reach out to people you don't know. As a partial introvert and selectively extrovert, I joined some colleagues in hyping at various locations, such as MRT station. It was tough as you hyped in the evening till late hours. You may meet some familiar faces who you may not want to see especially if you are a part-time agent. The first 2 deals I closed were friends which I know who wants to buy property. But none of my leads converted. Hence, I think getting leads sometimes is not very effective method as the lead can go to any other agents who are more diligently in texting and contacting them. 

To be part of a project launch, you will need to be part of the project team. Being in the project team, you can also be involved in the days of duty which you can queue for a number to serve the walk-ins. Closure from walk-ins are also not high. Sometimes other agents will sway the walk-ins to other projects. Sometimes you don’t even get to serve a walk-in if your queue number is too high and there are not enough walk-ins to be served. Sometimes you can run off to do other errands, but be sure that you get back in-time (at least 2 persons before your queue number) to avoid missing your turn. The project IC may sometimes update the group-chat to inform the status of the queue. But if you are 30 mins away from the show-flat, be prepared to lose your queue. You may have to re-queue. Sometimes, it makes sense to just stay in the show-flat and wait. But means you will lose other opportunities (if you have).

I have also tried resale and renting when I helped my colleague serve his leads when he was out of town. Maybe because I am inexperienced or not fully aware of the details of the property, I felt somewhat stress prior each viewing. There is also a lot of travelling around when your viewings are packed like crazy without much time interval for travelling. I get stressed when I can’t arrive 30mins before the appointment as the client may arrive early. But you may also end up wasting an hour when the client arrives late. I have tried While many people raved how good it is, I didn’t receive much good leads from there. And when I texted the other agents on their property, often I was ignored or turned down. I have posted my own Lakeville unit for rental for 3 months, but only maybe 5 inquiries? While my colleague posted the same for me on Propertyguru, they get faster turnaround time. I suppose has other value propositions such as their data analysis and prospective. I also found it troublesome to keep refreshing the listing.

As an agent, you need to be very good with synthesizing information and multi-tasking. It can get very confusing when you have too much chat-groups, too much information to read and too much appointments to arrange. I have ever called a buyer thinking that she was the seller, and asking if I can arrange more appointments on the same day for the seller. The buyer was obviously not so happy. 

Be prepared to meet with very different types of people: Nasty, sarcastic, wishy-washy, very tardy, demanding, full of questions which need immediate answers, non-loyal etc… You need to be optimistic all the time to feel happy. I suppose that is also why the colleagues work hard together, collaborate with each other and play hard to de-stress.

The commission is a good motivation but for someone who has been working on regular payroll will need some level of confidence that deals can be closed to cover monthly expenses.

Last of all, which is also the most important factor that makes it hard to decide whether I should do real estate full time is the working hours. As a new mom with a 6 months old baby, it was tough emotionally to not being able to spend time with her. The busiest period of an agent is on weekday night and weekends. These are the times when my baby girl is not in the infant care. It was tough for me to pump milk as well, and my milk supply dropped drastically. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

How to pass RES exam in a single sitting

I have been wanting to write this posting since I passed my exams in May 2016. My husband did the exam at the same time but he only passed Paper 1 and re-tried Paper 2 twice. My ex-colleague’s husband tried 3 times and didn’t pass. My step-bro also tried in June this year and he didn’t pass. I start to wonder if the passing rate is rather low for RES. 

I do not have a special secret to it. It takes much effort to digest the thick set of materials provided by the school. By the way, I went to Pioneer Training & Consultancy (which I attended an 8-weeks crash course). 1 month before the exam, I studied every chapter and wrote my own notes. I will recommend to start earlier as it was tough to squeeze the effort to just 1 month. The school also provided an online MCQ and open-ended practice questions which I diligently did all the test questions and revised those mistakes. Initially I panicked because I failed almost all the test papers in the range of 10-20% passing mark for each topic. The open-ended questions were the toughest as I could not make an intelligent guess. There are many new legal / industry words which one may need to understand, and also memorize (spelling). Do not underestimate even simple key words as they may appear in the section of fill-in-the-blanks. I personally believed that the fill-in-the-blank section is what determines whether you pass or fail. If I were you, I will list down all the possible key words and make sure to memorize them.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Gabriella's first visit to Korea ... count down 2 days

We pushed forward our plans to visit Korea in July (hottest period in Korea) instead of end Aug/Sept which we initially planned as I may start work again in August. We booked Singapore Airlines (SIA) during their promotion. However cheap tickets are at odd hours:
Departure SIN: 0800 --> Arrival ICN: 1535 (SQ600)
Departure ICN: 2320 --> Arrival SIN: 0440 (SQ603)

The total cost for 2 adults + 1 infant with bassinet seat is $1340 (inclusive of airport tax). Not bad for a family trip. I paid about $630 in cash and the remainder with 55,400 KrisFlyer miles.

First time flying with an infant may be challenging but the flight times are seemingly good timings as she is the most cranky around 8-9pm, right before she sleeps. I maybe the one cranky instead as we have to wake up really early to go to the airport.

Hand-carry Checklist for travelling with a 6 months old baby:
1. Diapers (Hand-carry at least 6 for a mid flight, just in case baby has diarrhea)
2. Baby change of clothes (One set for the adults too, just in case baby has diarrhea)
3. Bibs (my little girl drool a lot.)
4. Nursing cover/Blanket
5. Pacifier/Toys/Teether (to keep baby occupied)
6. Food (spoon) /Formula (bottles)
7. Baby wipes/nappy cream

Singapore Airlines (SIA) provides special meals for baby/infant/child:
  1. Baby Meal (BBML) : Suitable for infants less than 1 year old, this meal consists of 3 jars of baby food - main course, vegetables and dessert. They also provided a teething biscuit. 
  2. Post-weaning Meal (PWMLM) : Suitable for infants between 1 and 2 years old, this meal is more substantial than a Baby Meal. According to SIA website, the food items are easy to bite, chew and digest. So I ordered on flight take a look at what was given. There is boiled vegetables (require chewing), fish with cream sauce (require chewing), mashed potatoes (light salted), cut fruits, juice. I think this PWLM meal is definitely not for babies without teeth. Even though my baby girl has started eating puree, the only item that my baby girl may be able to take is the mashed potatoes. But it is slightly salted which I do not want to introduce to my baby girl yet. *Do not order PWMLM and request on BBML after getting on the flight as they do not have an additional set of BBML as spare. 
  3. Child Meal for Infant (CHMLI) : Suitable for infants less than 2 years old, this meal is more substantial than a Post-Weaning Meal (PWMLM) or Baby Meal (BBML). Food items are easy to bite (soft) type of food items with lighter-based sauces. The following picture is from another blogger
  4. Child Meal (CHML) : Suitable for children between 2 and 7 years old, this meal is less substantial than adult meal.Food items are easy to bite and chew, and are attractive to children. I got this picture from another blogger
Credits to the various bloggers for the pictures above.

I decided to try BBML for the flight to ICN and PWMLM on the way back to SIN. The images are updated as above.